PATIENCE Affirmations

PATIENCE Affirmations

Affirmations similar to PATIENCE - CALM and RELAXED
Affirmations by

Being patient is easy when I am focused in the present moment.

Being patient is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every day.

Every day I grow more patient with myself and others.

Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more patient.

I accept that sometimes things just take longer than planned.

I am a tolerant and forgiving person.

I am always patient with myself.

I am as patient as a turtle.

I am becoming more patient with myself and others every day.

I am gentle with my efforts to improve my life.

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I am patience personified.

I am patient and understanding with family members.

I am patient and understanding with others.

I am patient at all times.

I am patient with myself and others at all times.

I am patient with myself when I get stuck.

I am very tolerant when things take longer than I would like.

I appreciate that some things take more time than others.

I believe that patience is a valuable virtue.

I commit myself to developing the highest level of patience in my life.

I conquer impatience by finding more interesting things to do while I wait.

I easily wait for when the time is right.

I ensure that what I want does not affect my patience.

I exercise mindful attention rather than waste time with impatience.

I exercise patience in all that I undertake.

I grow more patient with myself every day.

I have all the time in the world.

I have great patience.

I have learned that everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour.

I know that a degree of patience is required in all things.

I know that all great accomplishments require patience and persistence.

I know that good things come to those who wait.

I know that great mountains are scaled one step at a time.

I know that patience is more than just waiting… it is persisting.

I never complain when things take longer than I’d like them to.

I patiently wait for others to finish speaking before I speak.

I possess profound patience in all circumstances.

I practice the virtue of patience.

I radiate great patience in every situation.

I see having to wait as a perfect opportunity to be still and go within.

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I see waiting as a perfect opportunity to affirm and visualize my goals.

It is my greatest desire to live each and every day with unlimited patience.

My life unfolds at perfect speed.

My patience helps me solve problems more easily.

Patience is a habit that I nurture every day.

Patience is easy when I am focused in the present moment.

Today I bless my being with perfect patience.

Today I exercise sincere patience with everyone I meet.

Waiting for my heart’s desire never makes me impatient.

With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more patience into my life.

With patience and optimism, I achieve all that I desire.

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